Don't do cloud? Then DC Media Desktop Edition is for you. Premise based Signage Software running on your local network.
Standalone Digital Signage Software,
compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.
This version of DC Media installs on a local desktop or server. It can also integrate into a shared virtualized environment. Multiple install instances can share the same database in a multi-user environment.
Great for Internal
All content is sent to the media players and screens over your internal network. Then played off disk until the next content or playlist change. Internet Access is required for RSS/XML live data feeds.
Remote Management
built in.
Included is a powerful remote network management agent. Providing up-to-date screenshots and telemetry. Remote management instructions and execution, including reboots, upgrades and file management is available.
Content Authoring
using the Sign Creator.
Create digital signs and rich media to get your message across. Integrate live data, combine images, text, shapes and data. Get great looking content within minutes. Include live data streams and streaming video.
Create Great Digital Signage.
with over 36 content formats and a built in MP4 CODEC - The choice is clear.