Get going fast!

Getting started is easy! Download and connect your player to our network.

Multiple OS Platforms

The DC Media CMS software supports Windows, Android, SoC and Linux.

Content Management

Easily and Securely connect a media player or screen on your IP network, content is then collected via HTTPS.

Manage from Anywhere

The easy to use CMS enables access and full control over your Digital Signage Network.

DC Media Cloud CMS offers the flexibility for Hosted or Enterprise Server Solutions

Hosted Edition

The Hosted Cloud Content Management System (CMS) enables you to create and manage content from anywhere on any device that supports a web browser. Content and playlists are deployed to media players and screens from our Secure Data-Center in British Columbia, Canada.

Enterprise Edition

The DC Media Enterprise Appliance is a plug-and-play Content Management Server providing a Self Hosted Cloud Based Digital Signage Solution. Ideal for running over a private VPN and where no internet access is available or a security restriction.

Corporate Communications

Built in Content Authoring

The DC Media Sign Creator enables you to easily create rich dynamic media, integrate live data and capitalise on every pixel of your visual real estate. Combine images, text, shapes and data to create great looking content within minutes.
Text and image items can be linked to dynamic data sources including SQL, CSV, XML and DLL files developed using our extension API.

Scalable Network Management

The CMS is built to support any size network from 1 player to tens of thousands of players.

Multi-user Environment

Hardware independent

Industrial Signage


Licenses Sold


Digital Signage Potential

Join the hundreds of clients
using DC Media in 30 Countries.